Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sharing Difficulties and Solutions

Good Morning Everyone; we are halfway through our Bridge experience!

For today's post, we would like you to focus on any concerns or difficulties you are having academically, or overall in Bridge. Take a moment to really analyze yourself, your performance and your WRITING, and share with the class those things that you could improve or need help with. The second half of the post should be an intended solution for bettering yourself as a student, writer, listener. As always, we are looking for a thorough and thoughtful post!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The AIC Visit

We want to hear your feedback regarding our visit to the Art Institute. It could be a description of the building, comparison to our CCC Photo Gallery, or an analysis of how your reacted to a certain piece. Vere away from commenting on the one piece of art that you wrote about in your essay. Perhaps you would like to discuss a piece that you had questions about. Hopefully this trip maybe you reflect upon what types of art you gravitate toward and enjoy; you could also identify what type of art this is, and thoughtfully comment on why you think it is you enjoy this type of art most.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Getting ready for the AIC

Hi Guys, today's field trip is to the Art Institute of Chicago. Before we go it would be great to start thinking about how you will move through the museum. Will you go to the bottom of the museum and work your way up, or run up to the top and work your way down? Will you focus on one wing (if you do I would suggest starting in the new modern wing)? Today's goal of the field trip (as always) is to find a personal connection with or interest to one specific piece. A future assignment will be to elaborate on the one specific piece of art, (so bring a PENCIL and PAPER to take notes). You might also, in this post, talk about your favorite medium of art, what type of art, or period of art do you prefer?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cultural Identity

At the salon on Thursday, we were able to view Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. This film, based on the graphic novel that some of you are reading, is a prime example of a cultural narrative. Think back to the film or novel to one scene or memory of the author. Going off of assignment #3 and #4, identify a defining memory that makes you who you are, and elaborate.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Free Style

Many of your have asked about free style writing on our blog. I would urge you, for this post, to write as much as possible; the theme/topic is open. The post, however, should continue to be creative non-fiction.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Make connections

Hello everyone, I hope that you enjoyed seeing the Museum of Contemporary photography. Running with the theme of making connections between yourself and the artwork you encounter daily, as well as sharing your envisioned "special place", we would like for you to search the internet for a single image that closely represents that special place or you in someway. Post the image, and write a thorough, two-paragraph entry describing your choice of image completely.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What type of learner are you?

Yesterday, after Ames Hawkin's lecture on lectures, we discussed the modes of learning that you respond best to. Share your entry with the class.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome to Columbia College Chicago Bridge 2009

Greetings and welcome to Bridge 2009! This is our homepage for our four-week English Studies class. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the blog and its links. As a part of your English Studies course in Bridge, you will be required to post your questions, prompts, and responses on this website.

These next four weeks have been designed to be an intense and rewarding experience for you. The purpose of this work on the blog is to provide you with more opportunity to write, and respond to the ideas generated within our class.

In this, your first Blog posting, we ask that you write an Introduction for yourself. You might begin with some basic demographic information--age, major, where you live, family members, etc.--but work toward a more complicated, complex, and complete presentation of yourself. Don't only tell us what you like to do, but WHY. You might begin by describing how you spend your time, but also let us in on your own personal beliefs about some idea. What makes you who you are? What makes you think the way you do?

Of course, you can't say everything about yourself in this short amount of time, but do what you can to really give us an interesting description of who you are and why you're here in the Bridge program.