Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome to Columbia College Chicago Bridge 2009

Greetings and welcome to Bridge 2009! This is our homepage for our four-week English Studies class. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the blog and its links. As a part of your English Studies course in Bridge, you will be required to post your questions, prompts, and responses on this website.

These next four weeks have been designed to be an intense and rewarding experience for you. The purpose of this work on the blog is to provide you with more opportunity to write, and respond to the ideas generated within our class.

In this, your first Blog posting, we ask that you write an Introduction for yourself. You might begin with some basic demographic information--age, major, where you live, family members, etc.--but work toward a more complicated, complex, and complete presentation of yourself. Don't only tell us what you like to do, but WHY. You might begin by describing how you spend your time, but also let us in on your own personal beliefs about some idea. What makes you who you are? What makes you think the way you do?

Of course, you can't say everything about yourself in this short amount of time, but do what you can to really give us an interesting description of who you are and why you're here in the Bridge program.


  1. Welcome to Section 7 of the 2009 Bridge Program here at Columbia College Chicago! I'm Nancy, your lead teacher, and along with Meg, my co-teacher -- who has done a great job of putting this blog together, thanks, Meg! -- we'll be embarking on four exciting weeks of learning and exploring together. I'm looking forward to meeting each of you on Monday.

    Meg has asked each of you to write an Introduction for yourself on here, so I'll begin with mine:
    This is my second year of teaching Bridge. I just finished my fifth year of teaching First-Year Writing here at Columbia; I have also worked as a writing tutor in the Writing Center (now Learning Studio) for 11 years, beginning right after I finished my M.A. in Writing at DePaul, and I've tutored at DePaul's Writing Center for 13 years now. I've been blessed to be able to work one-on-one with college students for that long.
    My B.S. from Ohio State University was in elementary education. I love teaching, but before I had any classes of my own I worked at McDonalds, and as a substitute teacher, as a community correspondent for a newspaper, and as a secretary/receptionist. I also continued to work on my freelance writing, as well as my poetry and essays.
    I grew up in an Ohio village of under 500 that is famous for its fried bologna sandwiches (true!), and I spent precious weekend time at my grandpa's farm. After college I married a grain farmer from the next county, and we had two children. After some serious upheaval, my daughter and I ended up in Chicago 15 years ago, and it's long since been home, although I love to go back to central Ohio to visit. My daughter, who will be a senior at DePaul, lives at home and gives me even more insight into how college students think.
    In what little spare time I have, I love to read -- newspapers, magazines, books, and of course, Internet content. I still write, but now it's all e-mails, blogs, syllabi and assignments, comments on student papers, lists, etc. However, it's still writing!

    One thing I want to instill in you is that you are all writers and that all of you have something to say. I also hope that you will gain from whichever of the three books you choose to read for Bridge and that we'll be able to share together what we've each learned from our books.
    After listening and absorbing the ideas of others, let's generate many good discussions, both here on the blog and in all of our sessions together. I look forward to what you have to say.

  2. I am from Chicago but moved to Elgin when I was ten. I am nice to be around my friends consider me the random but funny one. I enjoy sleeping and talking on the phone, you'd think I'd get tired of it but I havent. How I grew up makes me who I am today, I've been through alot some spoken about, others not. That has made me take a better look at people and who I am associated with and also made me want to do something with my life so that I can better myself. I LOVE TO READ!!! It's what keeps me doing something when im awake.

    I have 5 brothers and sisters (3 boys 2 girls) and I am the oldest. I cant cook at all but I wish I could because my mom is a chef. My dad who is from and living in Belize is an accountant. I want to be able to travel alot but im scared of planes =(. Volunteering is my life I have a passion for it I love to do it but recently I havent had the time.

    One thing I want people to do is give me a chance. Alot of people never get the chance to know me but I am a good person, funny, nice, easy to get along with. lol

  3. my name is aniya kinsey i live in maywood illinois and i am 18 years old. i just graduated from proviso west high school and that was a really big relief in my life. throughout the days weeks and months of my life it can get really busy. i live in a house where i have five sisters one brother a nephew and two on the way i also have a dog ang a mom. what brings me here to the columbia bridge program is i saw it as a great opportunity to do something different with my life. in my home i hear all kinds of music from the time i wake up until late at night when i go back to sleep. thats really why i am majoring in music production. its so much music around me everyday which makes it a very big part of my life. everyone in my family is somehow associated with music and we all really love it so im coming into this program hoping when i leave i will have enhanced my skills on so many different levels im just ready for life to begin for me...

  4. I'm Cory J Fonden
    I'm from chicago Ill born and rise on the south side of chicago
    Been in love with all things that has to do witn the arts. from music witch is my passion to dance,glass blowing, drawing, moasic, paiting, and etc..I have been wanting to come to columbia college for some time now,one of the best art schools in the world . I was in a program where i did all the things that I've stated.. witch is call Little Black Pearl art and Desgin Center.. I also write my own songs and poetry as well.. I cant wait for this year to start..

  5. I'm Kingston. I fit in because I stand out! I love movies, I go to the movies almost every week.

    I'm here at Columbia to make my dreams come ture and have some fun in between.

    I'm the kind of guy that won't sit back and be shy I'm very open and I talk a lot. I enjoy to make people laugh and smile.

    I go to chruch and I do my best to always put God first. I like helping others in need and will ture to do anything I can to make sure they get past what ever trouble they might be facing.

    I'm a ladies man if I do say so myself :). I love to shop and when I'm not doing that I'm window shopping.

    I like to sit back and enjoy a nice quiet night with my family too. My parents have impacted me in more ways then I can imagine and I can't thank them enough.

    Meeting new people is always a pleasure. My words of wisdom is...If you have a dream pursue it with all your heart and do everything in you power to make it happen. DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN'T DO.

  6. I'm Jasmine from Indianapolis, Indiana. I'm 18 years old. I graduated on May 28,2009 from pike high school. I'm really excited to be here at columbia and im ready to start my dream. I have been dancing for going on 9 years. I danced with Center Stage Dance Academy. I have had some life experiences with dance. One of my favorite moments with dance is when we danced in Disney World. It was really fun and something that I will never forget. I came to columbia to further my education with dance. I want to become a choreographer and one day wish to open my own dance studio...I love to spend time with my family and to shop and talk on the phone. I'm a fun person to be around!Well thats alittle about me :)

  7. My name is Andrea Epstein. I'm 18 years old and i graduated from von steuben high school which is located in chicago. I'v lived in chicago my whole life. My major is vocal performance. I love to sing. I'v been singing since i was 7 years old. I love it because it makes me feel beautiful and feel good about myself. I love meeting new people who are nice and talk and have alot to say. i like hearing and making people laugh! I spend all my time at the beach with my boyfriend and friends. Im into sports, i play Volleyball, softball, and tennis. I was also on the Cheerleading team for 3 years so i have alot of spirit! I love Chicago but hopefully after college i will move to California. I visit California every year and stay with family friends. Its really nice there. I'm hoping after college I will have some success in my major.

  8. I'm Alex Pont and I am from Wilmette il. i attended new trier high school and graduated in 2009. i have been working at jewel for the last two years as a cashier. my interests are in film. i want to become an actor and director. i have always had a passion for film. i made many shorts throughout grade school and high school. i enjoy comedies and action movies. some of my favorite directors are Micheal Mann, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas (star wars & Indiana Jones)judd apatow, Martin Scorsese. theres a few more but i cant think of them right now. i'm excited to see what Columbia has to offer to help me achieve my goal

  9. Hello, my name is Leo. I am an ambitious drummer looking to make a name in performing arts. Im one-hundred percent samoan and take pride in my polynesian culture. I have two younger sisters that live in oregon. I was born in Auckland, New Zealand and was raised between Portland, Oregon and Waimea, Hawaii.

    I like to believe that im an optimistic person with a warm and welcoming personality. I believe in no specific religion, however i do believe in free thought and spirtual thinking. Hawaii embodies this this lifestyle and has ultimately shaped me to who i am today. I believe in energies and the effect that they can have on a group or an individual.

    My education was never really taken seriously. I was young and was in a relationship that consumed three years of my life. If i could do it over again, i would have sponged the information. After high school, two years of my life was dedicated to either working or partying and lack of drive.

    In the midst of all these distractions, I discovered that the people i surrounded myself with, were very unmotivated. It wasn't until recently i wanted to become educated and that i craved knowledge.

    Peace day is also on my birthday (September 21st). I wish.

  10. I'm 18 years old, I currently live in Joliet with my mom & dad. I have 2 sisters, Jeanette and Patricia, and a brother, Armando. Jeanette and I are really close but as far as Patricia and Armando go, I don't really talk to them, growing up I didn't really get to know them because I never saw them. Jeanette used to go to school here at Columbia, but then she took a year off. She is basically the one who told me to look more into Columbia and possibly go to school here. For a while now, I've known that interior design is what I want to major in. I can't really find anything else that interests me as much as that. Well anyway, I'm extremely excited to move downtown next month and start school. (:

  11. Whats good everyone, my name is LaSean Dantel Gilbert everyone calls me Sean. I was born and rised in Gary, In. where I attended Emerson V.P.A. which is a visual performing arts school. It was there where I developed my craft at music. I majored in music (mainly band and orchestra)and I graduated there in 2007...(07!!!). From there I moved to Knoxville, Tn. were I studied computers at National College. I also worked long days in the hot... hot sun with my slightly older brother and my brother in law washing cars for car dealerships...yes... that job sucked. Out of Tn I moved back to gary and worked at Menards....yes...that job sucked

  12. om high my name is dayna and i first wrote a really long biograsphy about mysely but some how erased it! basically i am the only girl of ym moms 3 kids and of my dads 2 kids! i love music just about any kind of music i love i love 2 talk2 2 ppl i love modeling! i did a show last winter at the dusable musem and i have a nother show 2 do nxt month aug 23! ill will also be at the black womens expo this month july 26! i hate that my WHOLE DAMN BLOG WAS JUST EREASED! but im goin to login vback in l8ter 2day but 4 now! TTFM! tata 4 now!

  13. OK. . .The first thing i noticed about my own blog is that I CAN NOT SPELL! lol but i'll try to do better this time! I'm a real open minded but painfully shyu person though my friends might tell you otherwise.I love to listen to music! just about any kind of music, rnd, hip hip, rap, punk rock, pop rock, heavy metal, and a little bit of country but not enough to know any artist by name or song. iI already said i model but im not like a pro at it though! I was born and raised in chicago I like living her but i would like to like somwere else oneday! I've always wqanted to go to hawaii or italy! and well that about raps my up in a nut shell!

  14. Nice blogs u all... I hope to build friendships with each and every last one of yall

  15. i just read eveyones blogs and they sound really interesting its amazin how we're all so diff but the same lol

  16. I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting a better sense of who you are. Thanks also to those of you who posted responses to your classmates' posts. Please, continue to do that! Overall, be sure to keep up with your blog posts just as you keep up with your reading and writing assignments.

  17. I'm Daniel, you can all call me Dan. I'm 19 and I've lived in downtown Chicago my whole life. I graduated from St. Gregory "The Great" High School (it's not that great >.>). My passion is acting and it's what I want to do for the rest of my life. Some of my favorite actors are Paul Dano, Zachary Quinto, Reece Thompson, Anna Farris, among many others. I also love reading and writing, so that may be something else I wanna do as well, screenwriter or something. I'm sure Columbia will help me discover what other interests I may want to pursue.

    I'm laid back, I like to make people laugh. I enjoy talking about movies, especially horror! I listen to all types of music: alternative, pop, goth rock, pop punk, Japanese and Russian, you name it. I'm always full of energy and I'm real easy to approach. So here is to, heres to KNOWING we all get along.

  18. Hey whats up everybody I'm Deion. I live on the south side of chicago. I live with my mother her name is Lisa and my siblings,I have 1 brother his name is Randell and he is 9 and I have 1 sister her name is Nikole she's 12, but that's only on my mother side of the family. On my father and his name is Anthony, I have 1 older sister she's 28 and her name is Aquantis, and I also have 2 twin sister and their names are Kira and Kayln and their 12.

    Now I'm going to start on talking about who I'am, I'm 17 years old, my birthday is September 26. I graduated from Chicago Vocational Career Academy. Considering that my high school was Vocational I took a major and my major was Radio/TV Broadcasting. I loved it, and thats why i came to Columbia so I can expand my education even more on Film and Video Production. So i'm excited to be here, even though i'm nervous. So it's nice to meet everyone.
