Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The AIC Visit

We want to hear your feedback regarding our visit to the Art Institute. It could be a description of the building, comparison to our CCC Photo Gallery, or an analysis of how your reacted to a certain piece. Vere away from commenting on the one piece of art that you wrote about in your essay. Perhaps you would like to discuss a piece that you had questions about. Hopefully this trip maybe you reflect upon what types of art you gravitate toward and enjoy; you could also identify what type of art this is, and thoughtfully comment on why you think it is you enjoy this type of art most.


  1. before yesterday i never been thru the art institute and it was so much more amazn than wat i expected i saw a lot of great pieces of art i just wish we could of had more time to look around. the clown exhibit was something that stuck out to me it was just weird i guess this trip was awsome compared to the ccc photo gallery the new modern wing was huge and it one of the most beautiful parts of the building to me

  2. Yesterday i noticed that different percpectives were imminent. I couldnt help but to notice the photography of buildings and how beautifully structured they were. I had always believed that art was messy and unstructured with a hint of insanity. In these photographs it showed me that the something ,maticulously thought out and constructed perfectly is also artistic and organic.

    This thought came about when i visited buddha. I applied the thought of buddha and his concepts to my understanding of art. Its about a free spirit that weaves itself into a chained art form. Even though it seems that something is perfect its not. Its elegantly ugly and raw.

    The concepts of buddha should be further applied to everything around me. Not only spirtual and organic, but also the things thought out and accurate.

    Give us all time to shine, even diamonds start as coal.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The museum vist was very interesting. What captured my attention the most was the African and Acient Indian Artifacts. They were very intersting because all of them were naked! I was trying to figure out why but didnt come up with a reason. Alot of them had like ten arms and the women had men bowing down to their feet. Also they had spears and head bands. They were really decorative and beaded really carefully, most of them had fur like monkey and lion but I wouldnt wear that stuff no thank you!

  5. The AIC had more art then CCC photo gallery. I like the AIC better because it was bigger more to choice from. But I seen many things that I didn’t like yesterday that’s why I chosen the piece that I had choice from yesterday. I didn’t like the picture with the grave sight with the fish it seem to be very depressing and all I seen where crows. Seeing the crows and cloudy skies, I picture death. I didn’t like but hey that’s jut my opinion but other then that it was cool to see all the ancient Greek this I really like the jewelry.

  6. I didn’t stray to far away from the front of the building. The reason being for that is because of this photograph of “The Flooded Bridge.” Jeff motherfucking Wall, but I was just informed by my instructors to not tell you how amazing it was.

    I saw these boxes with various things inside them. I was shown some of Salvador Daly’s work. I went in to a room that was dark and I needed flashlight supervision to watch a guy in a booth spitting something on the mic.

    The walk to the train was exciting. Jasmine, Simone, and I almost saw a little kid’s body go on display because he was almost destroyed by a car.

  7. I haven't been to the AIC in quite a while. So this time around I think I definitely learned some new things about myself.

    I love abstract art. That is something I learned yesterday. I love looking at art that makes you think, that leaves itself open to anyones interpretation because whatever it is you see in the painting, thats YOUR imagination at work, thats what YOU are getting out of something. It's really cool to hear what other people think of a piece of art. There are literally millions of possibilites as to what the art can be, and I think thats so cool.

    Of course I made sure to give at least some of my time to the Asian art exhibits. All of the old stuff is still very interesting, but it would be nice if they had some modern Japanese art. You know, get some of those photographs of night life and the city and even the Japanese gardens. There was one thing in particular that caught my attention. It was a dark room with several screens of this clown doing god knows what. In one screen he's holding a fish bowl to the ceiling with a broom and crying for help. Leo mentioned that there was some significance to the water spilling on the floor and I agree with that. I thought maybe these were different personalities of the clown or maybe it was the same clown but from different dimensions. The display stayed with me for the rest of the day.

    All in all, the AIC was awesome. I think I'll be going again sometime soon =)

  8. Aniya, The clown exhibit shows how perfect things have to be, and how chaotic our lives become because of our perfection. He was holding up a fish bowl with a broom stick. He drops it, he drops perfection and sanity. BUT in order to maintain sanity, he makes himself insane. Its just a vicious circle that we created for ourselves

  9. My visit to the Art museum was nice. Compared to the photo gallery here it was much bigger and more interesting. There was more room and alot more to see at the Art museum. I found a piece that was interesting its what i wrote my paper on so you'll hear about it later. I found alot of things that didnt interest me especially the old art and the art of islam was boring. Some of the art i saw i didnt really understand but it was still beautiful and interesting to look at.

  10. leo: wat u said was deep im diggin the quote a lot b-cuz its so true

  11. i never been at the AIC so i was happy to go..But it was a great exprience to go there

  12. I had a really good time at the art institute yesterday. It was alot better than our first trip. There was alot more art and paintings to be seen. I like historical art, and thats the direction that I went to first when I got to the art institue, but nothing really caught my eye. The picture that really caught my eye was THE FLOODED GRAVE ;)it was my favorite picture there.
    I like art that pops out and has a story behind it, I mean anybody can put a story behind are but its how you relate it to your life! I had lots of fun at the art institue, and I want to go back!!!!

  13. When I came to the AIC I was looking foward to seeing a variety of ancient Greek art... I like the stories of Greek Mythology, but sadly in the exhibit I didn't see any of Greek Mythology stuff that I was into, like the swords, armor and thing from the Trojan war...I was kinda dissapointed...=( Boo! but I dont know if anyone saw the room of place holders but those were beautiful

  14. Well, I don't know if anyone else saw them, but maybe on the 1st, 2nd, or maybe even 3rd floor, int he "more modern" part of the museum, I saw these like magazine covers, with Spanish titles and entries, and I didn't really quite understand why they were in the art institute. Maybe it was because there different photographs, of different spanish speaking countries, or what not, but I thought, they could have protrayed them better, than being on a magazine cover.
    Also, since this was my first time going to the art institute, and I would like to go back, to explore more, since I did not have enough time to look at what a lot, and to see what iw anted to see.

  15. Kingston: The walk was crazy I cant believe that the child almost got hit, and then how the parents reacted...

  16. Leo the Wise strikes again with simply amazing words of wisdom. I like what you're saying about the clown!!

  17. was dissapointed you was getting mad at me lol.....but we seen cute jewelry.

  18. Leo: Here you go with your wonderful quotes again YAY!!! LOVE IT :)

  19. Jasmine you guys saw a boy almost get hit!?!?!?

  20. i wish i could of seen the clown its sound like it was interesting

  21. well yesterday i had so much fun in my group while we explored the aic. looked at many different arts paiting I even saw a video about a raper talking about art in his rap , witch was so cool .o yeah and kind of broke somebodys shoe she know who she is . SORRY

  22. i really wish i was there with you guys yesterday. but I was at my boring orentation I'M glad you guys had fun though!

  23. and I think I saw spongebob too lol

  24. Dan: Yea we almost saw a child get hit, he just ran across the street with out paying attention to the cars.

  25. lol so i c everyone is jus adoring the oh so wise leo!!!

  26. cory: spongebob? i dnt remember seeing that

  27. cory...its okay i forgive you i just walk to the train station shoeless lol...and kingston and lasean didnt want to get a piggy back ride =(....when i got home my feet where black like the keyboard lol

  28. spongebob? IS that y you stepped on her shoe?

  29. There was a spongebob exhibit?

  30. Sure did dan... I was like too shocked, to say anything.... Then I was like... Oh my god!!!1 The little boy, and that non chalant parent....

  31. OMG yall saw a kid almost het HIT?! his dad should have BEAT HIS ASS!!!!

  32. those british snobs! >.> j/k?

  33. Dan, its nice to know that art is moldable. Seeing every possiblity is difficult, but narrowing it down to what you want to see, is easy.

    Simone, Spanish is becomming a very important language in american culture. Maybe the magazine shows its growth, because magazines are a popular form of communication!?

    LaSean!! Take philosophy man! It'll help you with greek understanding, and maybe you'll have an enlightened view of them!

    Drea, You better share you story today! Dont be outspoken!

    Kingston, Finding somthing to stay connected to is hard, but you found it. Its an amazing feeling to feel the frequencies and the energy from a picture. Esspecially when the picture is REAL.

    Jasmine! Art is incredible! Its one of the few mediums that you can apply YOUR OWN THOUGHT! It makes me happy to know that everyone is understanding that art is never wrong. Its ALWAYS right!

    Auejena, Death isnt pretty. But try seeing the light of that picture. The starfish. The non-exsistant dead. Its not only ugly.

  34. soflysohigh: Yea if that was my child i would have beat his ass too, but people are different with disipline
