Thursday, August 6, 2009


For today's post, write a full LETTER to a character from your book. What would you say to him or her if you met face to face? What are you curious about? Is there something you want to thank the character for? Maybe you're confused by a character's actions and want to confront him or her. Be respectful and thorough saying all you want to say to this character.


  1. Dear LeAlan,
    You are the man bro. You are a succesful young man, and your story inspired me to want to aid the hood I grew up in in Gary, Indiana.
    I want to build an ivy league school right in the cummuntity. Thanks alot for this inspirational story bro...
    Sean Gilbert

  2. Dear Marje: I wanted to know how the war is effecting you now that you are older because you can understand more. Do you hate the country that bombed yours? Do you still grieve over the girl next door? And also are you going to write another book? One that involves the after effects of the first book?

  3. Dear, Sex freaks.

    I recently had the pleasure of reading “Stanger then Fiction.” In it you were at a sex party in Montana. How do you have the courage to go to a place and expose your body parts to an entire crowd? It takes a lot of balls. I just hope if you had sex you used protection, because Safe sex is great sex Better wear a latex, because you don’t want that late text that "I think I'm late" text.

  4. dear chuck

    i have been reading your book for the last couple of weeks and have enjoyed it a lot. i was wondering whether you would write another book like this one. write about more stories and adventures you've had.

  5. Dear Lloyd,
    Did you end up graduating? Are you attending a college at this time? I also want to thank you and LeAlan for writing such a great book. I learned alot from the experiences that you had to go through. Where are you living now, are you far from where you grew up at? You and LeAlan proved a point, that no matter where your from, or the color of your skin, you can make it in the world. You just have to set you mind to it, and put foward the effort! What would you tell a young man that is in the same situation you were in growing up?

  6. That was cool at the end there Kingston

  7. Kingston: you are a weirdo are you sure he's gonna know what that means?

  8. Chuck,

    Tarot cards ultimately wont determine who one is. It will, however, give a sense of secuirity for that moment.

    You explained this well by writing about teaching someone in your story, how to read them.

    Its an incredible insight into how easily a mind can be manipulated. In the midst of all this i control my fate. It is not determined by faithful explainations, instead it gives power to current ideas and beliefs.

    Its clarity.

  9. Kingston... did you not read the whole book...

  10. Dear Marjane,
    I think the comet strips on the book was kind of different and unique. Many authors should do the same thing to help people understand with more details. However, I was really curious about your life and wanted to ask you some questions. Did you enjoy writing about your past? Going thought the book did you feel hurt or did any emotions come out being good, bad, or sad? .I would like to thank you and say that you encourage me to open up and tell others about my life.
    Sign, Aujuena

  11. Dear attendees of the Testical Festival,

    Lord have mercy. What in Heavens sake is wrong with you? I've heard about, and maybe just possibly even seen a lot of things, but what y'all did is too much! TOO MUCH!! I wrote a paper about this and in it I said I understand the concept behind it. It's about people from all over coming together to celebrate something they have in common. THEN I thought about it .. .. and I thought .. .. and I thought .. .. until finally I was just like "nah ah, y'all are some of the nastiest freaks I ever did see!"

    And I also have a particular question for one girl. She knows who she is. How in the Hell can you do what you did to that poor German shepard? You is nasty! You nasty as hell!!!! I don't even know what to call that. Animal abuse? DOG RAPE??? You so damn nasty!!

    Honestly I tried to be understanding, really I did and for a while I truly was ... understanding where you all were coming from. But man, that was just some of the nastiest S**T I EVER DID SEE!

    God bless,

  12. Lasean,

    Did you write that in your paper? or atleast have some of the same ideas?

    Your growing mentally and i see it. aweseome!

  13. Jasmine the questions in your letter were great, those are things I want to know to

  14. Dear Tyrone,
    Hey, I read about the incident you had a few years back. I think you should feel really guilty abiut throwing Eric Morse from a fourteen story building. Sure you were young, but at the same time you were old enough to know right from wrong. Now you are sirtting in a jail cell wasting your life away. I really want to know why you did it. Was stolen candy really worth taking a five year old's life away along with your own? How do you make it through life everyday, knowing that you did what you did? He was so young, and his family really suffered when they lost him. If you can relive that day, what would you do different? This story is by far the worst thing i ever heard, i think there is no one to blame but yourself.

    sincerly, Aniya

  15. oh...were we supposed to be respectful???????

  16. Dan: You are one funny guy I couldnt even read the whole thing without getting a little confused!

  17. Aujena!

    Thats divine! i really like your blog part, you enforced my paper! thanks!

  18. I sure did Leo and thanks alot man, you aided to that growth

  19. Karla, Read Stranger Than Fiction, and you'll find out.

  20. Dan: WOW,I guess your mad? you are too silly!!!

  21. Dan, your one outspoken young man.

    Elaborations for you are not a problem!

  22. Leo: did you read the book maybe you can teach me instead?

  23. Jasmine wouldn't you be mad if some girl took your dog and started pumping her hips over his head? lol ... =(

  24. Leo..its Aujuena!....but thanks =)

  25. the question I would ask the two boys is why did you choose to do this interview and did have any problems inveiwing anybody, because i think that if i got ask to a interview of a chicago area i would turn it down in a heart bercause I dislike chicago with a passion. My reason for disliking this city is because there are so many haters in chicago, like kids are getting killed over bike, shoes and the color they wear. this city has way to much hatred.

  26. Alex, your sexy. and i cant stop smelling you.

    I smell a possible sequel to the book.

    ...and cherries

  27. Aniya: That was a good letter ;)

  28. Dan: Yes I would be pissed! People are sick

  29. Leo you crack me up too bro lol

  30. pinky is hot today I'm really feeling her, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  31. Dear Lealan,
    I really like the message you and Lloyd did, in the beginning of chapter eight, talking about how ghetto kids are treated differently. I especially liked the specific quote you and Lloyd gave out when you two said, "Don't look at ghetto kids as different." I see that happening a lot in today's world, where a lot of people see ghetto kids as something really bad, that they are no good. I am glad that you and Lloyd had the courage to come out and say your message to the world.

  32. aniya! TYRONE threw that boy from a fourteen story building????? maybe i should read Our America. thats really sad.

  33. Im sexually comfortable. not homo.

    Love it or hate it the under dogs on top. - Thanks 50Cent

  34. Dan: thats the saddest but most interesting part of the book

  35. Leo ... your such a silly goose! YOU SILLY GOOSE! YOU SILLY PHILOSOPHICAL GOOSE!

  36. don't have enough to write a full letter so her it is. . .dear authors, The book was kind of boeing but I'm glad thers somebody out there to tell the story of the hood!


  37. I'm finally back on here to post a comment (although I do read your blog postings when I get to a computer after class). Wow, I continue to be impressed by the thoughtfulness -- and yes, sometimes humor -- of your comments. I was going to point out specific examples here, but in going over them, so many of your letters offer deep insights and compelling questions that I'll just say, "Good job of connecting and growing. Keep up the good work. You continue to be an amazing class!!

  38. By the way, this has nothing to do with the posted topic, but I just noticed the date: Thirty-five years ago I took my drivers license test, passed, and came home just in time to see President Nixon resign on TV! Historic day for sure.
