Monday, August 3, 2009

Passion for your work

Read over this quote from choreographer, Merce Cunningham, and comment:

You have to love dancing to stick to it. It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away, no paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums, no poems to be printed and sold, nothing but that single fleeting moment when you feel alive.


  1. I agree you have to have a passion for something to stick with it. If you dont love what you do then you will eventually get bored with and it and find something else to do. But what if you have to do that something.... then what?

  2. its basically telling you that you get nothing out of dancing except the experience. if you like your form of art enough then thats all that matters. its all about the experience not the reward.

  3. This is an example of doing something without expectations. Love and Art are both tthis way. Its unconditional.

    Do we do art for the right reasons. He's implying that individuals seek recognition and our art does not.

    I enjoy thinking that the art has control over me, and I do not dictate my creativity. It flows and manifests itself the way it wants to.

  4. leo: answer my question for me!

  5. Wow...this quote is mean look at you guys amazing is that.

    Okay for real, I agree with the quote, because when you are creating art, your living in the now. In that one single moment, with each stroke of the brush or each step or each monologue, it's like nothing else matters. YOU ARE LIVING IN THE NOW!!

  6. If you love dancing, writing, playing an instrument, and performing, you have to give it everything you got and never ever give up on it.

  7. HEY GUYS!!!
    I love this quote, Nancy was the one who showed me this quote, and I was so amazed. This relates to me because of my passion for dance. Dance is something that you have to love to keep doing it, and go as far as pursuing a carrer in dance. When you dance, it shows how you feel. Your expression tells it all. I love to tell a story as i'm dancing. Maybe before the Bridge program is over I could dance for the whole class, and tell a story and see how everyone reacts and what they take from my moves! :)

  8. Great first two responses! I agree that you have to love what you do and that we can't expect the rewards.

  9. I agree this applies to every art form. You have to love you have to be passionate about it to stick with it. You have to want it and be willing to break all boundaries to acheive it.

  10. Alex: I agree with you totally!

  11. Jasmine would you really do that?

  12. i don't agree mith that because just like a painetr sells his art work a dnacer sells his/hers dance moves when your a choreographer you sells your moves to a music artist for there video! you sell your love of dance to people who want to watch you dance and recorsd and watch it over and over so you love of dance can continue to show forever! I know griselda (sorri if i spelld it wrong)you must have a alot to say about this topic! lol HOW WAS EVERYBODIES WEEKEND?! I MISSED YOU GUYS! WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!

  13. wehn i read this quote i think it goes far beyond dance. i dont dance but i agree with this quote because with anything you choose to do you have to be dedicated and you have to know what about that specific thing keeps you going and feeling good about it.

  14. Then apply what your art is. If art is natural like we all believe it to be, then it should organic to live that way as well. That "Something" is artistically thinking naturally while doing something not envolving the passion.

  15. Well, I would say that this quote is very interesting, it makes you think. I guess it is true though, that art is just physical. You can't write it down, Your body does the writing.

  16. Jasmine: I can't wait to see you dancing live in living color :)

    Did you bring the videos?

  17. I was fortunate enough to have a gay roomate who used his room... all night...

    thats my weekend

  18. Well I don't know if my quote made sense, but that is what came to my mind.


  20. soflysohigh:I MISSED YOU TOO! my weekend was very fun,I went to Kings Island with my boyfriend. What did you do over the weekend?

  21. Kingston: Yes I have the dvd's

  22. I like this quote. It's really true you have to have passion for the things that you want to do or really love to do. Because that’s the only way you can go far. Just like the movie we watched. The lady had passion for that she did even if she couldn’t hear but she used her different senses to help her out. That the drive you have to have if you really like something.

  23. I actually agree with soflysohigh because when you paint and when you dance it does give you something back. Painting could be your life work but it gives you happiness and dance could give you completeness. If you have nothing else you want to do in life then your art could be your world, sort of like your "baby" you have to continue to progress with it until it's perfected.

  24. leo:sorry to hear that
    my weekend was great but dnt ask wat i did i barely remember

  25. I'm really upset because I cant print out my paper,this is some bull. But I'm very passionet about my music the way I write aabout my music , I want people to feel what I'm im talking about and going through.

  26. Even if not good at an instrument when I start I stick with it till I master it thats the passion I have for my work and music

  27. wow leo .... thats a lot of information

  28. My personal example is Love. I've been in love and it was uncontrollably unconditional. It wasnt expected and it was never questioned. It was a feeling that i relate to with my art. Love is incredible and i hope you all experience it... just dont experience love next to my room for an entire night.

  29. Cory: sry to hear that doesnt someone have a USB cord for you

  30. wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Dontt worry cory, I don't have assignment #7 or #8 because my flash drive is fucked up >=(

  32. The sign on my butt say's "Don't Enter"

  33. Leo....I love it! is art its so beautiful =)

  34. love is the perfect example its like you have to expect the unexpected. and just like love you have to be passionate. my art is something that you have to be ready for because there will be a lot of rejection and competition

  35. Kingston...ur nasty ewwwwwww...

  36. THANK YOU DAN! I feel like i was the only one looking at this a diffrent angle.
    leo-OMG! THATS FREAKIN hilerious! y didn't you just leave?
    My passion I'M not sure if most peole really know my passion because i don't really talk about it very mucH but I lOVE GRAPHIC DESIGNI can't draw to save my life but i can do amazing computer designs i acually one 2nd place and got my art work for put on a poster a magazine called women of power i think. for love you skin month if I remember correctly

  37. leo you're a funny guy you make me laugh a million


    so Leo...did you sleep okay?

  39. I really like this class you guys are cool

  40. Leo: rehab is the answer for your smoking problem

  41. you cool too lasean! yay you guy are awesome

  42. I have a lot of passions
    1. Fashion design
    2. Modeling
    3. Shopping
    4. Dancing
    5. Having fun

  43. EVERYONE! You are all unique and beautiful people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Thanks Jasmine! Perhaps your artistic translation project will consist of dance...that would be great!
