Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Look at this link!

Today's lecture is on the Chicago Cultural Center's Synesthesia Exhibit.

Synesthesia: syn·es·the·sia also syn·aes·the·sia (sĭn'ĭs-thē'zhə)
1.) A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color.
2.) A sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referred pain.
3.) The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another.

Please click on this link and read the "WHY" section of this website to understand more about this exhibit and what you will hear talked about today. Can you come up with an example of synesthesia occurring in your own life? What questions do you have about this topic? Come up with ONE question.


  1. Is this one of those things where you scratch your self to relieve the pain of itching? for the def. of #2? I dont know if i have a synesthetic in my life maybe I'll have to have them explain it more to see.

  2. My arms move when music hits my ears. What causes this sensation?

  3. Isnt there a type of condition where individuals can see sound in colors?


  5. When I hear music I always start to dance

  6. okay thanks lasean you gave me explain like when i proform for shows or anything i get a sensation in my legs and hand,i dont know why but i do.

  7. when i hear certain beats i tend to move my fingers to them i really dont know why though,because most people nod thier heads or tap thier foot.

  8. whenever i hear the dark side of the moon album i start to see a vision that goes along with it.

  9. Is there an abstract painting that can actually be interpreted?

  10. Also whenever I listen to music I invision a studio....IDK Y?

  11. jasmine you inspired me to post this!!!

  12. I really dont what to say about todays lecture, because i didnt like going to to the Cultural Center.The Cultural Center was of the most boring places I have ever been to that has to do with art.

  13. Dan, can you find a link between the afro ninja and synesthesia?

  14. When I hear the tune of NBC Nightly News, it makes me happy. Brian Williams is like my inspiration to do Broadcast Journalism, adn when I hear the little jingle for the show, I get excited.

  15. Alex, what is that vision? Oz?
