Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Under My Skin

Hi Everyone!! Today's blog will concentrate on what upsets you, what really gets under your skin. To stay in the line of making connections, talk about what it is that upsets you about your art. What upsets me about my music is when it doesn't come out the way I planned it to. Don't just stop there tell whatever it is that upsets you. This should help us build better relationship!!! BLOG IT!!!!!


  1. Its our job as artists to channel the energy of anger into a positive reinforcment for our art.

    Music is a difficult feild. You are required to make something refreshing and new. Its implied that we have to effect the world with our art. In columbia we will be educated to do just that.

    I want to be able to effect the world. I want to something that is so beyond my comprehension its upsetting.

    Other then that, i hate it when people pee on the toilet seats and puke EVERYWHERE, EXCEPT the fuckin toilet.
    thanks lasean

  2. You know what really grinds my gears?

    Fake ass people!

    In my line of art, I look up to one great Roger Ebert! I always look to see his opinion on a movie sometimes we don’t agree, but we’re both critic so we won’t always be on the same page.

    I like honest people who well are themselves 24 hours day 365 days a year.

  3. One things that upsets me about my art, is I get so upset when I'm dancing on stage and the all of a studden a have a black out moment and I dont ever rememeber what move comes next, that happen to me one time on stage when I was preforming my solo, the only good thing about is when you are doing a solo, if you mess up you can make up your own moves, and the judges will never know, but I knew that I messed up and I was just so upset.
    Another thing that I cant stand is when people say that bigger girls will never be able to dance. That bugs the HELL out of me. If you love to dance thats all that matter, you can be any size and shape.

  4. What upsets me when it comes to my art is that I can have a picture of a design in my head and I really have to drawn it before I forget every detail. By the time I drawn the picture it never comes out right. This really gets under my skin.

  5. I hate when I finish a review and I leave out some important thoughts or opinion!

  6. Aujuena, i have had that too! but if you get those moments, then change your image.

  7. i really dont let things get under my skin. I see every mistake or mishap as a way to better my art. i try not to let things bother me because its just non-sense. if something does bother me i simply do waht i can to change. if i cant change it i deal with it life goes on things could always be worse

  8. i do too dawg slice. homie g funkdizzler.

  9. You know what? I actually don't know what upsets me about my art, I really don't. I guess when I can't nail that one monologue or when I'm sucking at memorizing lines for a scene. I remember in 9th grade when the drama club did The Dining Room, we all played several characters and I got all of my character lines down except for one. It was a scene involving a dad and his daughter. It was a really long scene and I had like two monologues. I got my monologues but then during the conversation I was supposed to be having with my partner I flunked! On opening night I actually froze because I couldn't remember what I had to say. So instead I drank a glass of water because we were sitting at a table. My partner saved us so I was really grateful. Second night I knew my lines, only this time I mixed them up!!!! So I said one thing when I was supposed to say another!!

    Wow. I guess I do have something that upsets me. Not memorizing lines. Because people think it's hard but once you get them in your head it's pretty easy actually. It can still be challenging though.

  10. Jasmine: I never forget my dance moves!

  11. aniya, i dont like things under my skin too... like tape worms... or some sort of parasite.

  12. I hate when people ask stupid questions...like I was suppose to cut the grass last weekend and me and my dad are standing outside looking at the lawn. He asks me Sean did you cut the grass....does it look like I cut the grass dad? Huh? Naw it don't do it...Why you ask me that dad?

  13. Aniya: I agree with you, If i can change it then I do, If not then life goes on

  14. Jasmine...... you know what I hate when i have dance show I always get nervous and get butterflies in my stomach. But once you get on stage there all gone.

  15. Kingston: Maybe you can teach me how you do it, and I'm still waiting to see your WONDERFUL TURNS :)

  16. EEWW!! i dnt thnk snybdy does leo

  17. lasean, i hate dumb questions too... thats why half the bridge is gone!

    we are the final fu.

  18. Aujuena: Girl, same here I have been dancing for almost a decade and I still get nervous every time I go on stage...its just natural

  19. fake people can kiss ass Kingston, I hate them too!! and also peeing on the toilet seats that annoys the hell outta me too Leo.

  20. lesean: i dnt like stupid questions either lol but i dnt let it get to me

  21. what upsets me about my music is when i cant get the right note out.writingh lyrics is no problem is ythe way the note gcome out when I start to singing and my breathing when i sing as well

  22. LaSean... i feel you my mommie asked me stupid questions all the time and sometimes she asked the same question more than once on the same day

  23. Jasmine: Today I'll show you a few.

    Sean: I hate stupid question too.

  24. Ok, the major I intend on studying is Journalism, Broadcast Journalism. The thing that upsets me is that I have to speak in front of people. I hate doing that!! So I guess if I want to do Broadcast Journalism I have to do it. Another thing I really hate, I didn't hate until i got to Chicago is damn tourists. I mean I know I am not originally from Chicago, but I have lived here long enough, and I hate when they just stop in the middle of the sidewalk and take a picture, and block the whole sidewalk. That's random, but I thought I'd just say it, other than that, there's nothing else that really gets under my skin.

  25. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Jasmine! I know you blew them judges away with the twirls and the spins and the jumps and oh that good stuff

  26. Simone: I hate speaking in front of people too..!

  27. I cant stand when people just ignore you when your talkin to them or trying to get there attention! I mean who the hell doenst right?! When I was at work yesterday this lady came up to me and was extra ghetto " i wanna return dis and get my money back!" i asked my manager if we could do returns from other stores and she said no and i politly told the lady im sorri we cant she went straight past me and looked at my asst.manager ( mind you my asst. manager is a timid lil women) and said why? she explained the policy to the women and i tried to offer and allternative but she put her hand up 2 silence me! i was like AW HELL NAW! N i almost lost my job! i told her listen lady you can take yo ass back home or you can listen to what the fuck i got to say! she looked at me like i just slapped the shit out of her and i told her just go back to the original store you got it from! I got ghetto yesterday!

  28. Angry people get on my nerves to...like why u mad all the time, what did everyone in the world do to you

  29. Simone...I hate talking infront of people that i dont really know either.

  30. soflysohigh: thats how I am too, and thats excatly what I would have told that rude ass women!

  31. Really i love talking in front of anyboyd i just ahte talking in front of ignorant people!

  32. thank you my jasimine my manager told me i was kind of wrong

  33. one thing about the art that i like, film, is how computer generated images (cgi) has taken over. i like cgi and it helps a lot and saves time and money but when you rely on it in order to tell your story (Micheal bay0 then i get upset. movies aren't just about the action and special effects. it about a developing story and character development. i could go on and on about this but i dont feel like writing anymore so peace!

  34. I just hate talking, unless I really get to know someone, I'm extra shy (as you all know) : )

  35. SOFLYSOHIGH!!!!!!!!!!! Thats lol funny! Like lmfao! I woulda cussed her ass out! Okay maybe I wouldn't cause that would be like the first job I ever had.

  36. im like super sleepy!!!!!!!! random, but true

  37. Great prompt and posts so far guys! Of course, like anything, it is good to stay open to the possibility that your work/art/life will take a turn and end up as something different than any "plan" you have originally had. The end product of my writing is almost never predictable, and I have learned to accept that.

  38. you know what im about to change my name! its just getting on my nerves

  39. but Alex, if we didn't have CGI...there wouldn't be Toy Story, A Bugs Life, Wall-E, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Up, Bolt, Cars, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, um.... ... ... Antz, The Ant Bully, Bee Movie, Toy Story 2, or ... ... CLOVERFIELD! yea!! CLOVERFIELD! WHAT WHAT?

  40. i know and im hella sexy too!
