Wednesday, August 5, 2009


If you’ve ever been in a deep long term relationship, tell us all how you made it work and if it ended tell us why. How do you make a relationship work? What are the keys in making a relationship work?


  1. Three years of my life was dedicated to someone who has altered the path of my life.

    Thats what a relationship is. Its a form of change.

    Being unchained is something that is unusual. Typicially people allow their happiness to be dictated by another. We rely on them as our source of happiness. Jelousy was never a problem for us. I learned that the problem we had was the lack thereof.

    If its not one thing its another. Its a constant adventure.

    I find myself to be very free and unbound and really easygoing. it lasted that long simply because i dont put limits to another.

  2. I have never been in a long term relationship so I don't know. I would hate that but if it was someone I cared deeply for, I would only assume we make it work. Relationships work as long as you have trust, communication, and lots of fun with each other and a little in common. If its a lot, awesome. I don't have too much to say on this matter so I'm going to leave you all with one of the most hilarious chain letters I have ever received. WHEN LOVE TAKS OVER YEA YEA!

    "Sex is like a casino. LIQUOR in da front POKER in da back. Wen u figure dis out send2 10freaks or b cursed with bad sex"

  3. all right since no one has replied yet, Thats amazing Leo

  4. I’ve been in four serious relationships in my life time. The one that meant the most to me I was in for eight months this girl was my everything, she was pretty, smart, funny, and she was always there for me when I needed her. We talked about the future and raising kids. When I left to come to fox lake she had sex with one of my best friends it took me two months to get over her. In any relationship you need, Trust, Respect, and Space.

  5. I just got out of a relationship. We started off as best friends abd just fell in love. she was my first love and we broke up after a year the first week of bridge. She broke up with me because I had a convo with a female she didn't like over facebook...I was not flirting....but it was a girl that I used to talk to so It hurt her I guess. I didn't wanna be in a relationship afterwards its to much work especially now.... But to make a relationship work the main thing you need is happiness...think on it

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The longest relationship that I have been in was 2 years, it was when I was in middle school,our relationship was going very well then one day he told me that he was moving away and at that time i didnt think that I was going to be able to do a long distance relationship.
    I am in a relationship now, and its going GREAT! Even though me and my boyfriend Nick are going to diifferent colleges, I know that we can make it work. Hes going to Franklin College in Indiana we are not that far away from each other but then again we are. To make a relationship work you have to have trust in your boyfriend/girlfriend, you also have to have good communication with one another.Another thing that you have to have is honesty with each other. My main thing is in a relationship you have got to have TRUST!!!! If you dont then its not going to go well at all.

  8. i was in a long term relationship recently 2yrs. wat made my relationship wrk was communication we did everything together literally and unfortunately thats wat brought it to an end. my situation is complicated, we boke up about a month ago and completely stop talking to each other because all we did was argue. i recently talked to him this past friday for the first time in wat felt like forever. even tho we were apart it was clear that we were still in love. basically relationships are something that you cant force it has to just come to you i cant really say what the keys are but i can say once you find the right relationship for you its the best feeling ever. wrds cant describe it, u go through so many different emotions(good and bad) if u feel that the relationship is right for you don't give up on it. my favortie quote about relationships is, that relationships and love is like a butterfly, when you chase it, it flies away but when your sitting there least expecting it, it lands rite on ur shoulder...

  9. Well I have been going with my boyfriend for a year and three months. Its about to get real rocky because of the fact he’s about to go to the air force so I wont be able to see him as much but hopeful by going to school I would get my mind off the fact he gone. The key to me and my boyfriend relationships is trust, honest and communication. Without those skills we wont be able to work out.

  10. The longest relationship I have evr had was 5 months,I know it sounds lame, but yep only five months, and I wouldn't really call it deep, it was stupid and stressful. I think you have to actually be in love to make a relationship work, we just weren't, we were more just along the lines of friendship. Also, I think you have to have to trust each other. I have to say that i've seen a lot of couples break up, because they did not trust each other.

  11. Good Conversation to how could I forget.

  12. nope the longest relationship I have ever been in was 6 months , and we broke up because of her father was to over protective and that ran me away for her , how you 20 years old and have a curfew. boy I still laugh about that to day. she had to be back in the house around 7:30 if we went out

  13. The relationship that I am in now is a long term relationship. He lives about an hours or so away from me and we met through his cousin. We have made it work because we were bestfriends first and were use to not seeing eachother. How we've been making it work is a question that I cannot answer. We are very much alike and tell eachother everything. We have been together for almost 3 years in general, he's actually like my soul mate we can tell eachother everything. We are able to talk everything out when we do break up so.... yeah like it's love I guess. The keys to making a relationship work would be to make sure your on the same page about everything and your not afraid to share something with one another. Be able to trust and know who can take a long term relationship and who cannot

  14. LaSean....your right you do need happiness

  15. The longest relationship I was in lasted about two years but i had know him for five years. He was keply devoyed to me I loved it he spoiled the crap outta me and always told me he loved me. why did i break up with him he cried more than I did. And thats not the worst part when I toldn him he thought i was going to break up with him and he told me if i broke up with him he would kill me! I was SCARED AS HELL! but i finally told him i wasnt goig to put up with being yold i was going to die. i broke up with him and my brother and my uncle went to his school and kicked his ass. on top of that the SEX was stupid nasty! (bad)

  16. Pinky: that was rediculous your gross!


  18. Pinky....its okay i had a boy who didnt know what he was doing i told him to get the hell off of me and i got up and leaf and went home

  19. Jasmine: atleast your boyfriend isnt going to New York for College!

  20. LaSean....what ever
    Pinky...Now LaSean Pinky is nasty...and ewwwww
